Thursday, July 9, 2009


Well, Preston did it today. He finally crawled...the traditional way. Before today, he scooted backwards and just rolled to get where he wanted to go. Scott and I were a little worried and it is hard not to compare children when there are so many close to his age that we know...and they are crawling! The doctor told us not to worry because babies get around so many different ways and crawling is not even a milestone, but of course we were secretly concerned. Anyways, when Preston and I were getting ready to go to daycare he was whiney and wanted me to pick him up...and then he crawled a short ways towards me. I was so excited that I got to see his first crawling movements because it would have been at daycare if it was just 20 minutes later! He practiced at Krista's all day and then came home and showed Daddy his new crawling moves. We vidoetaped it, of course, and here are two short videos of him learning how to crawl.

Daddy took this video of Preston crawling to his phone, because all babies love cell phones, right?!

Mommy took this video of Preston crawling to the door to check out what Daddy is doing outside.


Small Family said...

way to go Preston! And yes, Lily loves to crawl to cameras and cell phones too....much faster to those than her real toys. :)

Rachel Smith said...

YAY for Preston :) In about 2 weeks you're going to wish he would just stay still!!! ha ha ha

jennifer noel said...

Good Job Preston!!! Look out Jasmine...Pharaoh spends his day running away and/or hiding from Adrian.