Sunday, March 22, 2009


Preston now has 4 teeth, two bottom, two top, and we think some canines on the top are also coming in. I was a little bummed at first because I thought he was too young to start getting teeth and I didn't want to deal with a cranky teething baby yet, but he has handled it well. We just put baby Orajel on them when we think they are bothering him (which he does not like) and give him a teething ring. He loves to chew on everything now!
Close up of his bottom teeth Can see a little white in his mouth

Video for Aunt Molly:

Aunt Molly must have known he was going to be an early teether because she got him some Orajel for his March present. We even got a shot of his bottom teeth in the video.

This video is of Preston trying his 1st fruit, which was awhile ago, but I forgot to post it then. He has now tried all the 1st fruits. His favorite fruits are peaches, pears, and applesauce, despite this video. It depends on the day for bananas and prunes (but he gets them when he needs to poop)!


Rachel Smith said...

YAY for Preston!!! That's good that he wasn't screaming and fussy!!! Woo hoo :)

MamaGottaRun said...

Look at those chubby cheeks! I can hardly believe it- so many teeth. He is very cute!